Blog Post

5 Year Formula

Prosperity Angela DiCarlo, MBA • March 25, 2019

Imagine your life 5 years from now and throw a party of the future.

Good morning world. Let's remember that today is the first day of the rest of your life: choose to live it well.

This is Prosperity Angela DiCarlo, and today I am focusing on the FUTURE.

What is your life like FIVE YEARS from now?

Where do you visualize your future?

Bill Gates said that people overestimate what they can accomplish in one year, but underestimate what they can accomplish in 10 years. I'm kind of drawing the middle ground here with the 5 year formula.


Five years is just long enough to foresee results. If you have children you can just add five years and you can add five years to your own age. It doesn't seem that much older and keeps us feeling young and vibrant.

If you add five years to your existence and ask yourself:

  • Where am I in five years in my business?
  • Where am I in five years on my health?
  • Where am I in five years on my love of life, relationships, children, close family and close friends?
  • Where am I in my career plan and my life vision plan?

It's really about looking at yourself five years from now and seeing how that looks.

  • Is that where you want to be?
  • Is that where you want to go?
  • Are you taking steps now to get you there or do you need to redirect your current steps to help align you closer with your 5 year plan?

For most people who do go to college, it's a four to five year plan. Therefore, it is relatively easy to think four to five years in the future. It makes it easy to not be so far off in the distance.


I have often hosted a five year, flash forward party. It offers a really great experience because people come as themselves five years from now. Call a group of friends that you can gather together, tell them that you want to do a flash forward party or a five year forward party or a future party, name it what you want.

Put out the invitation and have people come as their future selves five years from now. During the party, you can give them some more sheets or exercises about visualizing what their career is, where their work is and kind of putting those steps out so people have an easier time understanding the whole process. But essentially they come as they are five years from now and it's a really great experience.

I've hosted it before and people have come as their future selves. In my situation. I give them a month to plan for it. Adding planning time makes it kind of fun, since it gives you some time to think about it.


For instance, one of my people, they wanted to be a hairdresser for Paul Mitchell salons and you have to get into some certain program and apply and everything. She had always thought this was something far off in the future. Since we were doing the five year forward party, she pretended that she was there. She applied and within the month before the party, she got accepted into the program. So she was at her five year forward state when she arrived at the party, which was amazing. Another friend wanted to be a psychologist, a school psychologist and so she put it out there and in five years she actually did become a school psychologist and she's very happy and loves her career and visualizes it.

Once you do get to that five years in another five years, do the party again or even in one year and see which direction your life is going. Is it still on track I you still headed in that way or has things shifted?

For me, I've always wanted to be a speaker. I've always wanted to be a writer. I always want to do television. Like none of those things have changed from me, cartoons, things like that. Those are all part of the fashion. That is who I am. I'm a fashion designer with a cartoon that helps educate and inspires people. And I'm a speaker and I go on stage and I love to be on camera and I love to direct people on camera. I love to interview people and ask them about their lives and where they want to go. So that's where my strong points are. And over the years that's the same person I am.

For me in five years it's still to tour the world more and speak more and educate more and inspire more people and maybe help ghost write some books for people by pulling their stories out of them. Everyone has a story inside of them. It's a matter of pulling it out. And if you don't know what your story is, yeah, just imagine yourself in five years and go, okay, what's it going to take to write that story?

Can I write the table of contents for my future life?

  1. Chapter one, identifying my vision.
  2. Chapter two, planning my travels.
  3. Chapter three, planning my education.
  4. Chapter four planning my relationships.
  5. Chapter five, planning my legacy.
  6. Chapter six, planning my book, since this book is your book.
  7. Chapter seven, taking action, making it happen, and implementing the solutions in the book, implementing chapter one through six.
  8. Chapter eight, would then be living that life vibrantly with full excitement and enthusiasm and being fully present.
  9. Chapter nine, would be reviewing my life. Where did it go? Where did it go on path with the five year plan and where did it go off track with the five year plan and, and then the followup will be what's the next five years? Where is it going to go? Who helped me get there? Who do I see helping me get to the next level? And how am I going to know when I've achieved success?
  10. Chapter ten, what were my milestones that I set along the way for the past version and what am I setting for my new milestones for the future version?
You're essentially writing your book of life or your perfect life or your great life or your enthusiastic life or your life full of joy essentially.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Choose to live it well.

Let's make a game plan for having a great, amazing, have fun, ridiculously awesome, shenanigastically fun life.

This is Angela DiCarlo. Thank you so much for joining me for another amazing day. Be Awesome.

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